Dietary Supplement 30 Day Supply Professional Grade Supplements Science • Innovation • Quality • Results AM Vitamins, Minerals, NutrientsOnly 2 Tablets a Day 100% RDI Essential Nutrients6 Functional ComplexesPowerful AntioxidantPurpose: Formulated specifically for men to provide a complete, full-spectrum Vitamin, Mineral and Nutrient Complex.Complete 2-A-Day MultiVitaform has everything men need to perform at the highest level. Vitaform gives you all of the essential vitamins you need and with key nutrients in 6 functional core blends. Vitaform with the Virimax 6-blend complex, has specific key minerals and phytonutrients designed specifically for men. In addition, Vitaform has 300% your daily value of Vitamin C in two highly bioavailable forms, 200% Vitamin D3 and 20 mcg of Boron, an essential male element.Advanced protection against rapid aging is crucial to good health. Vitaform comes complete with Power high-Orac Anti-Oxidant Blend to protect against excessive Free-Radical Damage including High-Polyphenol Green Tea Extract (95% Polyphenols), Grape Seed Extract (95% Polyphenols) and Pomegranate Extract. Vitaform is easy. You simply take 2 tablets once a day with a meal and you're good. One look at our label will tell you that you are getting everything you need and more! Complete and custom built for men.