Formula Plus iron tablets are a formulation that provides essential iron. It also contains B complex, which helps to release energy from food and vitamin C to help the body absorb iron.
Formula Plus iron tablets can be beneficial for:
- Vegetarians who may have compromised dietary intake
- Pregnant women, under advice, whose iron levels may be low
- Those who have been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia
When should I take Iron Formula Tablets anymore?
Formula Plus iron tablets are particularly useful for women who have heavy bleeding during menstruation, pregnant women, people with iron deficiency anemia and vegetarians.
Formula Plus iron tablets can be beneficial for:
- Vegetarians who may have compromised dietary intake
- Pregnant women, under advice, whose iron levels may be low
- Those who have been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia
When should I take Iron Formula Tablets anymore?
Formula Plus iron tablets are particularly useful for women who have heavy bleeding during menstruation, pregnant women, people with iron deficiency anemia and vegetarians.