Once DailyTrue Potency - 3 Billion CFUDigestive Support & Immune HealthDietary SupplementENHANCED WITH™ NutraFlora®Digestion & ImmunityMulti-Strain Formula with lactobacilli and bifidobacteria to fortify both the small and large intestine microflora.With L. Reuteri a unique probiotic strain that has been shown to colonize the intestines and help maintain digestive balance and support immune health.Prebiotic Support with NutraFlora™ scFOS® (short-chain fructooligosaccharides) optimal food source of intestinal microflora.TRUE POTENCY™ - PRIMADOPHILUS® Reuteri has a guaranteed potency of at least 3 billion CFU through at expiration date. Some probiotic brands only claim potency at time of manufacture.