Premium FormulaMax PotencyEnergizer with Food Based BlendsMulti-Vitamin SupplementOrchard Fruits™/Garden Veggies™ & Daily Greens™ powder (600 mg), Enzymes, Bioflavonoids, EFAs.Max Potency 3x DailyThe most potent, nutrient diverse Alive!® tablets multi with food-based blends:Daily Greens™ blend providing amino acidsOrchard Fruits™/Garden Veggies™ powder blendCardio blendDigestive Enzyme blendOmega 3/6/9 Fatty Acid seed blendMushroom Mycelium Defense blendCitrus Bioflavonoid complexMax B-Vitamins to help convert food into energy.Whole Body Nutrition for men and women to help support:BonesCellsDigestionEyesHeartHair/Skin/NailsImmunityMetabolism