Lucuma powder.
Lucuma powder is obtained from the dried and ground fruit of the lucuma tree (Pouteria lucuma) that thrives in the Andes. This fruit is known as 'Gold of the Incas'.

It is a perfect alternative for other sweeteners and has a low glycaemic index and a delicious taste. It naturally contains sugars, B vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Purasana lucuma powder comes from fruits dried at a low temperature and does not undergo any chemical treatment.
Contains vitamins B1, B2 and B9, phosphorus, proteins and fibres.
• Rich in slow carbohydrates = fuel for the body
• Naturally sweet taste
• No unnecessary, fattening sugars
• Low glycaemic index
• Boosts immune system
• Used for children's food in Peru instead of potatoes
Add 2 or 3 teaspoons of Purasana organic lucuma powder to 250 - 300 ml of smoothies, shakes, milk (vegetable), fruit juices or you can add these to your yoghurts, breakfast cereals or desserts. Lucuma is soft and slightly sweet in a pleasant way, with indefinable, heavenly aftertastes such as hints of maple and sweet potato. 
You can also combine several superfoods. Be inventive and don't hesitate to experiment by adding superfoods to your dishes and recipes.
You can take 3 g to 25 g of this superfood per day.