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The Best 5 Supplements For Common Summer Health Issues

Though warm weather brings opportunity for all types of fun social events — the cookouts, outdoor nature excursions, and coastal trips can knock your body off of its usual path. You may find yourself eating food your body isn’t used to, drinking cocktails instead of extra water, skipping your relaxation time, and losing sound sleep.  In addition, the sun’s powerful rays, wet bathing suits, and dry heat bring damage and aging to your body’s protective blanket: your skin.  Here are some simple measures to protect against summer’s common health concerns - such as dehydration, bloating, constipation, red rashes, irritability, and fatigue - including best practices, oral supplements, and topical agents to aid digestion, sleep, hydration, and skin protection.   ‌‌‌‌1....


Top 10 Natural Supplements to Optimize the Immune System

The immune system is a complex system that helps protect the body from harmful viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi. Divided into the types — innate and adaptive — this complex system must constantly differentiate between friendly and unfriendly bugs.  The innate immune system has many functions. One of its main jobs is to send immune cells to the areas of perceived or actual threats within the body in order to prevent the worsening of infection. This is similar to a general sending troops to protect against an invading army. The innate immune system also helps to stimulate the second part of the immune defenses, the adaptive immune system. Also known as the “acquired immune system”, the adaptive immune system is...
